Make your Next.js application SEO and social ready

July 4, 2024


Even though vercel has good documentation I felt a bit lost when creating my nextjs application. Therefore I wrote this article to be sure all the necessary steps are followed.

  • Basics (Quality content, Keywords, User-Experience, Accessability)
  • SSR and SSG
  • Meta Tags
  • Meta Files
  • Performance optimizations


The basics include all the 101 steps of creating a good SEO which will not be particularly discussed within this post. There are tons of already existing tools such as Semrush which helps you to create an SEO optimized website. In general use high quality content, make sure your ux is on point with mobile friendlyness, the right keywords and accessability.


Whenever possible use SSR and SSG for SEO optimization. It serves the crawler the fully created website without the need of a runtime. This is inherently the paradigm used by Next.js.

Metadata Tags

Metadata tags can be generated within the page.ts or layout.ts file. They also can be set statically or dynamically. They work in a cascading way so the metadata in the last leaf of the tree will be used for the page.

import type { Metadata } from "next";

export const metadata: Metadata = {
  title: "...",
  description: "...",

export default function Page() {}

Metadata Files

Metadata files can be used to enhance the link sharing experience in various apps and places.

Check out the next three tables for more information.

They can be served in different variants and different places within a NextJS project.

Make sure you name the files exactelly as pointed out.

favicon.icoSmall icon in browser tab and bookmarks.
apple-icon.jpgIcon for Apple devices' home screen bookmarks.
icon.jpgGeneral-purpose icon for manifests and previews.
opengraph-image.jpg    Image for social media previews (Open Graph).
twitter-image.jpgImage for Twitter Card previews.
robots.txtDirectives for search engine crawlers.
sitemap.xmlLists site pages for search engine indexing.
manifest.jsonMetadata for web app installation and behavior.

Metadata files folder and static & dynamic generation

As you can see metadata files can be put sometimes in the subfolders or only once in the app folder. However most of them can be dynamically generated. This is really important for big applications such as online shops. They often want to show the dynamically the inserted images and description of the product.

apple-icon.jpg/app/**/*    Static & Dynamic
icon.jpg/app/**/*Static & Dynamic
opengraph-image.jpg    /app/**/*Static & Dynamic
twitter-image.jpg/appStatic & Dynamic
robots.txt/appStatic & Dynamic
sitemap.xml/appStatic & Dynamic
manifest.json/appStatic & Dynamic

The following table shows the suggested formats for the metadata files.

FileFile formatSuggested Size
apple-icon.jpg.jpg, .jpeg, .png, .js, .ts, .tsx    1024x1024px
icon.jpg.ico, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .svg1024x1024px
.js, .ts, .tsx
opengraph-image.jpg    .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif1200 x 630px
twitter-image.jpg.jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif1200 x 675px (landscape)
900x900px (squared)
506x253px (2:1)
robots.txt.txt, .js, .ts-
sitemap.xml.xml, .js, .ts-
manifest.json.json, .js, .ts-

Performance optimizations

Last but not least there are performance optimizations. You can use various tools to optimize your SEO. Try to use all given tools from NextJS to optimize Images, Fonts, Videos, etc.


Nextjs and its page router are perfect for SEO. We just need to carefully choose which method we want to use at which place. I hope this guide will help you to make your nextjs application SEO ready.

Enjoy! ❤️